This page is for Membership Renewals Only!
The Mississippi Corvette Club hosts family memberships from all across Mississippi. Our fiscal year is from January 1st to December 31st. Annual dues are $40.00.
We encourage owners of all generations of Corvette models to join the Mississippi Corvette Club.
The Mississippi Corvette Club members enjoy the fellowship of ALL CORVETTE ENTHUSIASTS.
If you have a Corvette or are planning on getting one, come to one of our meetings and see what we are all about.
Joining the MSCC will give you many benefits:
- Great folks who share enthusiasm about corvettes
- Monthly Mississippi Corvette Club Newsletter
- Up to Date information about club activities through email event mail-outs
- Poker Runs, where we raise money for charity
- Corvette and other car shows that raise money for charity
- Caravan Trips to special events local and out of town
- Cookouts and parties
- Monthly Meetings where we have dinner and lots of Corvette talk
Renew your Mississippi Corvette Club Membership today!