Shivers Creek Fish House Cruise 2018

Mississippi Corvette Club

Centrally located in the Metro-Jackson area since its establishment in 1993, the Mississippi Corvette Club continues to be one of the States‘ finest automobile clubs with over 100 members enrolled. The Clubs‘ function is to provide a social environment for Corvette owners/enthusiasts to participate in Corvette related activities such as, but not limited to, road rallies, holiday parties, car shows, restaurant outings, cookouts, road trips, parades, and civic, as well as, charitable events. As a featured caravan event, the Club sponsored semi-annual ”Poker Run” is not only adventuresome and entertaining, but is the Club‘s primary means of raising funds for charity. Members and guests gather for fellowship, a delicious meal, and to discuss Club business on the first Thursday of each month at selected local restaurants.
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